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Ubicloud (YC W24)Open source alternative to AWS

Ubicloud is an open source cloud that can run anywhere. Our services include compute, block storage, load balancer, firewall, managed Postgres, and GitHub runners. You can self-host our software or use our managed service to reduce your cloud costs by 3-10x.

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More About Ubicloud (YC W24)

Kamal - Deploy Web Apps Anywhere


Kamal, an open-source project by 37signals, empowers you to deploy any type of web app that can be containerized. Paired with Ubicloud, an open-source alternative to AWS, you can self-host or use managed services to significantly reduce cloud costs.

Key Features

  • Zero-downtime deploys
  • Rolling restarts
  • Easy log access
  • DNS integrated elastic load balancer
  • Managed PostgreSQL with backup/restore and high availability
  • Built-in certificate management for HTTPS
  • Free DNS, load balancer, firewall, and certificates with the basic plan

Use Cases

  • Deploying containerized web apps
  • Scaling PostgreSQL databases
  • Managing VMs behind a load balancer
  • Ensuring GDPR compliance with EU-based data storage
  • Encrypting data in transit and at rest


Ubicloud and Kamal offer a cost-effective solution with VMs and managed PostgreSQL at one-third the price of AWS. The basic plan includes free DNS, load balancer, firewall, and certificates.


Kamal and Ubicloud are designed for teams looking to build, scale, and secure their web apps efficiently. With open-source technology, you can regain control over your infrastructure and cut costs without compromising on quality. Deploy your app in just 15 minutes.