
LocationCheckerMake informed decisions about city safety with real-time data and sentiment analysis.

LocationCheck helps you assess the safety of different areas in a city using real-time data and sentiment analysis. Get free access or upgrade for enhanced features. Make informed decisions about where to go with LocationCheck.

LocationChecker screenshot


LocationChecker is a free iOS app that lets you scan specific areas of a city to assess their safety levels. The app will use sentiment analysis to create an overall rating. It's super easy to use - simply select a location on the map for detailed information.

Product Highlights

  • Fast Analysis: LocationChecker analyzes locations quickly and accurately.
  • Ease of Use: The app's interface is simple and user-friendly, making it suitable for everyone.
  • Comprehensive Information: LocationChecker displays comprehensive information about the location, including sentiment analysis.

Use Cases

  • Adventure Planning: You can use LocationChecker before going to unfamiliar areas to ensure your safety.
  • Navigation: Use the app while navigating the city to find safer places.
  • Accommodation Search: Use the app to assess the safety levels of areas before choosing where to stay.

Target Audience

LocationChecker targets anyone who wants to get information about the safety levels of the places they visit.