
NorthSave, share, and explore your favorite places with friends.

Discover, remember, and share your favorite places with friends. North is like a Pokédex for your favorite spots, helping you save, review, and organize your go-to coffee shops, restaurants, and hotels. Get trusted recommendations, collaborate on lists, and easily share your recs with others.

North screenshot


North is the fastest and easiest place to save your favorite spots and share them with others.

Product Highlights

  • Save places in seconds: Fast and simple search
  • View all your saved places: On a map
  • Organize your saved places automagically: With Smart Lists

Use Cases

  • Save places while traveling: With friends and family
  • Share your favorite places: With others
  • Find the perfect places: For any occasion

Target Audience

Smartphone users who want to easily manage their favorite places and share them with others.