
Sketch2schemeConvert hand-drawn diagrams into digital schemes

Effortlessly convert your hand-drawn diagrams into digital flowcharts and schemes with Sketch2scheme. Our AI-powered tool recognizes nodes, connections, and text, then automatically arranges elements. Export to PNG, SVG, PDF, or edit with or Mermaid code.

Sketch2scheme screenshot


Turn your hand-drawn flowcharts and diagrams into digital schemes. Easily convert your sketches into digital diagrams. Bring your ideas to life with just a few clicks.

Product Highlights

  • Feature 1: Automatically recognize nodes, connections, and text by AI.
  • Feature 2: Auto-arranged and aligned elements.
  • Feature 3: Export to multiple file types (PNG, SVG, PDF, etc.)

Use Cases

  • Use case 1: Create flowcharts and diagrams for a process or system.
  • Use case 2: Turn initial ideas into digital schemes.
  • Use case 3: Collaborate with others on digital diagrams.

Target Audience

Designers, software engineers, entrepreneurs, and anyone who uses diagrams regularly.

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