The Wheel Screener

The Wheel ScreenerScreening the entire options market - daily!

Tired of clunky option screening tools? The Wheel Screener lets you search and filter the entire options market with ease, finding high credit vs. low collateral options in seconds. Try it today!

The Wheel Screener screenshot

The Wheel Screener

The Wheel Screener is a powerful tool that enables you to uncover profitable wheel options opportunities. With an easy-to-use interface, you can filter stocks based on specific criteria to identify those with the optimal risk/reward ratio.

Product Highlights

  • Customizable Filtering: Tailor the specific criteria to filter options, such as option prices, risk/reward, and stock prices.
  • Risk/Reward Analysis: Accurately understand the risk/reward profile of wheel options through an easy-to-understand dashboard display.
  • Advanced Technical Analysis: Obtain detailed technical insights for wheel options through included indicators.

Use Cases

  • Experienced Traders: Enhance your options trading strategies by uncovering new opportunities with high potential.
  • New Traders: Learn and effectively apply options strategies with simple and easy-to-use filtering.
  • Those Seeking Targeted Entries: Identify specific options opportunities that align with your risk profile.

Target Audience

The Wheel Screener can be used by traders of all experience levels, from beginners to advanced traders, who wish to effectively execute wheel options strategies.