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Baseline AIIntelligent error checks for clinical trial data

Time to build the database for a clinical trial is 68 days on average. The cost of a day lost in a clinical trial is 50k-300k (depending on phase). Pharma and biotech companies spend ~25% of their clinical trial budget ($1-5 million) on source data verification, checking to make sure data is accurate. We use AI to process information from a study's protocol and data management plan, automating much of the form and database building and data checking processes. This can cut study build times in half and prevent further expensive delays due to uncaught data errors.

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More About Baseline AI

Baseline AI: Catch Hidden Issues in Your Trial Data Now

Maintain high-quality data throughout your trial

Key Features

  • Cross-Domain Consistency: Ensure related data across different domains are consistent.
  • Protocol Deviations: Identify deviations from expected protocols.
  • Outlier Checks: Detect and flag outlier data points.
  • Date Logic Checks: Verify the logical sequence of dates.
  • Missing Values: Identify and address missing data entries.
  • Duplicate Entries: Detect and manage duplicate records.

Use Cases

  • Clinical Trials: Maintain data integrity throughout the trial process.
  • Pharmaceutical Research: Ensure high-quality data for accurate research outcomes.
  • Medical Studies: Identify and correct data issues early to avoid costly delays.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meet stringent data quality standards required by regulatory bodies.


Contact us for a customized pricing plan tailored to your specific needs. Our flexible pricing ensures you only pay for what you need.


Our team comprises experts from top institutions and companies:

  • Zoe Sheill: MIT '24, Computation and Cognition, with experience at SpaceX and Microsoft.
  • Nabil Baugher: MIT '24, Computation and Cognition, with experience at Google and Slack.

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