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TrigoRent data API for landlords and lenders

Trigo aggregates consumer rent history to help landlords approve better tenants and lenders write more loans. No solution exists to consistently furnish this data to landlords and lenders today. The largest database has only 3% coverage of rent data. Trigo is a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA) that provides this missing rent data set through a real-time API and web application. We are repeat founders with consumer data and finance experience across Harvard, Citigroup, Experian, and Amazon.

United States of AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemotePartly Remote
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More About Trigo

Trigo - Smarter Verified Rent History


Trigo provides verified, real-time rent history directly from the source, giving you the essential data needed to evaluate applicants effectively.

Key Features

  • Granular Data: Access rent payment history and over 30 additional fields through the Trigo console or API.
  • Continuous Access: Receive real-time updates as rent payments occur.
  • Fully-Integrated API: Customize and embed the Trigo API directly into your application.
  • Extensive Coverage: Trigo covers 75% of rent data within 48 hours, compared to less than 3% by FICO.

Use Cases

  • Screen Tenants: Reduce first-party fraud by 50% with accurate rent history.
  • Write Loans: Increase loan approvals by 17% using comprehensive rent data.


Rent data reports start at $18 per successful report.


Trigo is backed by industry leaders and offers extensive resources, including demos, blogs, and newsletters to support your team in making informed decisions.