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Kino AIKino secara otomatis mengatur rekaman untuk membuat pengeditan video lebih cepat.

Kino secara otomatis mengatur rekaman untuk membuat pengeditan video lebih cepat. Kino secara otomatis mengatur rekaman untuk membuat pengeditan video lebih cepat dan lebih menyenangkan. Kino menghemat waktu berjam-jam setiap hari untuk semua jenis pembuatan video, dari konten Youtube hingga film blockbuster Hollywood. Lihat demo kami! Bergabunglah dengan beta di

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Lebih Lanjut Tentang Kino AI

Kino AI | Atur Rekaman Anda

Tetap Kreatif. Tetap Terorganisir.

Kino adalah asisten AI yang dirancang untuk melacak metadata rekaman dan mengatur aset media Anda, meningkatkan alur kerja pengeditan apa pun. Ini seperti memiliki asisten editor, teknisi gambar digital, dan pengawas skrip dalam satu.

Fitur Utama

  • Metadata yang Disimpulkan: Ribuan klip diberi tag secara otomatis.
  • Pengindeksan Kata Kunci: Cari objek apa pun di dalam rekaman Anda.
  • Penjelajahan Rekaman yang Mulus: Seperti macOS Finder®, tetapi dioptimalkan untuk video.
  • Transkripsi AI: Beri nama file secara otomatis, tandai momen menarik, dan cocogkan adegan dengan skrip.
  • Pelabelan Metadata: Populasi metadata ke dalam buku kode digital yang kompatibel dengan lingkungan pengeditan apa pun.
  • Sinkronisasi Audio-Visual Otomatis: Sinkronkan audio dan video dengan mudah.
  • Penghapusan Artefak Suara: Bersihkan trek audio Anda.
  • Pembuatan File Proxy: Buat file proxy untuk pengeditan yang lebih lancar.

Kasus Penggunaan

  • Dokumenter
  • Sutradara Film Pendek
  • Editor Komersial
  • Pembuat Konten
  • Sutradara Video Musik
  • Studio Televisi
  • Editor Film Fitur
  • Videografer Acara
  • Editor Promo
  • Mahasiswa Film


Kino menawarkan rencana harga yang fleksibel untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan. Daftar untuk demo untuk melihatnya beraksi dan dapatkan informasi harga terperinci.


Kino AI dirancang untuk dapat dibagikan di seluruh departemen, menjadikannya alat yang ideal untuk proyek kolaboratif. Baik Anda seorang pembuat konten tunggal atau bagian dari studio besar, Kino dapat merampingkan alur kerja Anda dan meningkatkan produktivitas tim.

Daftar untuk Kino hari ini dan bergabunglah dengan beta pribadi untuk mendapatkan akses awal.

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Vidu AI

{ "tagline":"Transform ideas into stunning videos with AI", "description":"Vidu AI is an artificial intelligence-based tool specialized in high-quality video generation from the provided text and images. A distinguishing characteristic of this tool is its capability to automate video creation process, making it both efficient and cost-effective. The AI foundation allows Vidu AI to learn and evolve continuously, leading to quality improvement of the output with time. Furthermore, Vidu AI offers a diversity of applications, making it suitable for industries like marketing, education, and social media. Creating videos is intuitive with Vidu AI, as it accepts text, images or a combination of both as input for the desired video. This feature provides expressive and creative freedom in video creation to match specific needs. Vidu AI doesn't require any video editing experience or technical skills, as it is designed for both individual creators and professionals. The video generation with Vidu AI typically takes a few minutes, depending upon the complexity of the input, significantly reducing the timeframe when compared to traditional video production methods. The tool emphasizes creating unique and high-fidelity videos, offering customization for mass personalization. It is ideal for those looking to minimize expenses on professional video equipment and production teams.", "aiintro":"# Vidu AI: AI Video Generator (Revolutionary)\n\n## Transforming Ideas into Stunning Videos\n\nVidu AI leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to turn your concepts into high-quality videos in minutes. Create professional-looking videos from text descriptions, images, or both with unparalleled ease and speed.\n\n## Key Features\n- **Multi-Modal AI Video Generation**: Utilizes advanced AI to convert text, images, or both into high-quality video outputs.\n- **Intuitive User Experience**: Simple process: input text, upload images, or combine both to generate professional videos.\n- **Rapid Production**: Create videos in minutes, not hours. Significantly faster than traditional video production methods.\n- **High-Fidelity Output**: Produces videos with stunning visual effects and professional-grade quality.\n- **Customization at Scale**: Generate unique videos tailored to your specific inputs, enabling mass personalization.\n- **No Expertise Required**: Create impressive videos without any technical skills or video editing experience.\n\n## Use Cases\n- **Marketing**: Create engaging promotional videos to boost your brand.\n- **Education**: Develop educational content that captivates and informs.\n- **Social Media**: Generate shareable content to increase your social media presence.\n- **Various Industries**: Suitable for a wide range of applications across different sectors.\n\n## Pricing\nVidu AI offers a cost-effective solution, minimizing expenses on professional video equipment and production teams. Contact our sales team for detailed pricing plans tailored to your needs.\n\n## Teams\nVidu AI is designed for both individual creators and professional teams. Its high-quality output and user-friendly interface make it suitable for various industries, including marketing, education, social media, and more. Our AI constantly learns and evolves, ensuring ever-improving video quality.\n\nStart your AI-powered video journey today with Vidu AI!"}

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