
Conveo.aiAI-moderated consumer video interviews with AI setup & analysis democratizes and scales in-depth market research while going from question to results in a day instead of weeks. How? Scaling by talking to 100s of consumers with AI-moderated conversations via video, voice & text 🤳 Saving hundreds of hours with our AI research expert assisting you at every step, from set-up, recruiting, and moderation, to analysis 👩‍💼 Oh and we also compound knowledge over time across all research.

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Conveo: The New Standard in Qualitative Research


Conveo is a cutting-edge qualitative research platform that leverages AI to conduct and analyze in-depth voice and video interviews. By combining the depth of qualitative interviews with the scale of surveys, Conveo delivers deeper insights faster, revolutionizing the way businesses understand their customers.

Key Features

  • Unprecedented Speed: Conduct and analyze hundreds of video interviews simultaneously, delivering insights instantly.
  • Massive Scale: Perform interviews with large samples, unbound by physical constraints.
  • Cost Efficient: Achieve high-quality insights at a fraction of the cost through automated moderation, analysis, and reporting.
  • Human-Like Depth: Voice and video elicit authentic reactions, with AI uncovering unknown insights in multi-modal unstructured data.
  • AI Survey Design: Generate the perfect interview guide with our AI market research copilot.
  • Multilingual Support: Run interviews in over 50 languages with automatic translation.
  • Consumer Panel Integration: Instantly engage with consumers worldwide.
  • Multimedia Support: Allow respondents to react to concepts by uploading images, videos, or clickable mockups.
  • Mobile-first: Participants can complete interviews on the go.
  • Industry-leading Security: Best-in-class security controls to protect your data.

Use Cases

  • Consumer Behaviour Understanding: Gain deep insights into audience attitudes, needs, and behaviors.
  • Innovation and Product Research: Generate and test ideas with rapid feedback for iterative improvements.
  • Usability & UX Testing: Optimize product interactions through task-based testing.
  • Brand Building: Perform data-driven studies to strengthen brand positioning, equity, and loyalty.
  • Communication & Creative Design: Maximize marketing impact with precise feedback on brand assets and messaging.
  • Customer Experience Improvement: Enhance customer support and service by uncovering critical incidents and touchpoint performance.


Conveo offers flexible pricing plans tailored to meet your budget and margin constraints. Contact us to learn more about our cost-efficient solutions.


  • In-House Teams: Insights teams, innovation or R&D departments, CX teams, and product teams can leverage Conveo for self-conducted research to drive impactful insights and innovation.
  • Agencies: Market research companies, creative and innovation agencies, and consulting firms can use Conveo's technology to deliver superior services to clients.

Start making better decisions today with Conveo. Book a demo to see how our platform can transform your qualitative research.