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MaitaiProduction-ready AI without the heavy lift

General-purpose models are rarely the right tool for the job. Using them can be like hiring a gourmet chef to cook you instant noodles. Moreover, the model is just one small part of what's needed for a production-ready AI implementation. Companies today spend too much time on their AI implementation, juggling prompt engineering, RAG, guardrails, and model selection. This not only distracts from their core product development but also requires a significant investment. Maitai changes the game. Maitai offers a fully managed, self-healing LLM stack that's >= GPT-4 quality while being 10x faster and a fraction of the cost! We handle all the heavy lifting behind the scenes to provide you with personalized inference:Real-time fault detection in model output, with smart correctionsModels fine-tuned specific to your applications - they automatically get better over time!Built-in semantic caching, context optimization (yes, we do the RAG work too!), and intelligent example retrieval & injectionActionable alerts with Slack/Pagerduty integrations Full observability with our comprehensive customer dashboard With Maitai, you get a full production-ready AI stack with just one line of code.

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Lebih Lanjut Tentang Maitai

Maitai - Easy Reliable AI


Maitai is an advanced AI platform designed to detect faults in AI output in real-time, take corrective action, and build more reliable, higher-performance AI models. Backed by CombinatorAI, Maitai offers a fully managed AI stack personalized for your application, ensuring reliable, fast, and cost-effective inference.

Key Features

  • Real-time Fault Detection: Detects faults in AI output and takes corrective action before damage is done.
  • Total Control: Provides a suite of dashboard controls for configuring and tuning your AI implementation directly in the browser.
  • Simple Integration: Easily swap in Maitai over your existing provider without disruptions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Automatically improves AI models based on real-time data and performance.
  • Actionable Alerts: Connects with Slack or PagerDuty for instant alerts and in-app callbacks for corrective actions.

Use Cases

  • Engineers: Ship more deterministic AI-enabled features with immediate managed governance and higher quality inference.
  • Operations: Simplify AI operations with real-time notifications, full briefings, and easy integration with existing tools.
  • Startups: Unlock enhanced governance capabilities, priority support, and a personalized model stack.
  • Enterprises: Access the full suite of features, 24/7 dedicated support, and priority AI model training and inference.



  • Basic: Perfect for individuals and small projects. Free. Includes up to 1 application, full governance, basic support, and up to 1 team member.
  • Pro: Popular for startups. Contact us for pricing. Includes full governance + integrations, up to 3 applications, premium support, and a personalized model stack.
  • Enterprise: For larger teams. Contact us for pricing. Includes full governance + integrations, a personalized model stack, dedicated support, and priority tuning + inference.


  • Flexible and transparent pricing options available for teams of all sizes.


Maitai provides value to your entire team:

  • For Engineers: Worry-free AI-enabled applications with immediate managed governance and higher quality inference at a fraction of the cost.
  • For Operations: Simplified AI operations with real-time notifications, full briefings, and quick issue resolution.

Build more reliable AI applications with Maitai. Get in touch to schedule a call with us.