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HyperbeamAPI for shared embeddable web browsers

Emebedding third-party apps and websites can often be a nightmare due to incompatible platforms, security issues, and poor UX. Adding multiplayer functionality to these embeds makes this problem exponentially more difficult. Enter Hyperbeam—an API that lets you embed virtual computers anywhere, including web, mobile, VR, and even VSCode. You can then open any third-party website or application, synchronize audio and video flawlessly among multiple participants, and add multi-user control with just a few lines of code. Uses cases and customer segments include remote learning, virtual offices, online casinos, productivity, watch parties and more. We are three technical founders from the University of Waterloo, and worked as engineers at Facebook, Yahoo, and Lyft. Our technology is battle-tested–we currently stream over 1.25M hours of video per month across every continent. https://hyperbeam.com?ch=yc

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Hyperbeam — Embed Virtual Computers in Your Website


Hyperbeam allows you to embed virtual computers directly into your web applications, enabling seamless integration of third-party websites and applications with synchronized audio and video among multiple participants.

Key Features

  • Embed Any Website or Application: Avoid integration issues and X-Frame-Options problems with out-of-the-box support for all websites.
  • Synchronize Audio & Video: Ensure flawless synchronization without spending months debugging desync issues. Includes audio call echo cancellation.
  • Multi-User Control: Add real-time collaboration with multi-user control, eliminating the limitations of single-player screen sharing.
  • Programmatic Control: Open apps, navigate URLs, and run scripts to customize your user experience.
  • WebGL Support: Embed GPU-intensive WebGL apps with custom-built servers.
  • Session Save States: Save user sessions to avoid re-authentication and reopening apps.
  • Access Control: Specify who can control the virtual computer and when.
  • Kiosk Mode: Hide UI elements to create a native app feel.
  • Raw Audio & Video Data: Render virtual computers in 2D or 3D virtual worlds.
  • International Servers: Worldwide server locations optimized for minimal latency.
  • Mobile & Touch Support: Full support for mobile gestures and interactions.

Use Cases

  • Watch Party Platform: Browse the web and watch videos together online.
  • Remote Desktop & Mobile Environments: Embed Chrome, Android, Linux, and emulators directly into your web apps.
  • Collaboration Tools: Enhance your collaboration apps with embedded web browsing and multi-user control.
  • Educational Platforms: Provide remote access to software and resources for students.
  • Customer Support: Allow support teams to remotely access and control user environments.


Start free with 10,000 free minutes every month. Pay-as-you-go pricing applies after the free tier, with volume discounts based on total usage. Additional discounts are available for high-volume customers.

Monthly Cost Estimate

  • Base Rate: $0.0070 per participant-minute
  • Free Participant-Minutes: 10,000 per month
  • Example Calculation:
    • Average participants per session: 2
    • Average session length: 30 minutes
    • Sessions per month: 200
    • Total participant-minutes: 12,000
    • Free participant-minutes: 10,000
    • Estimated monthly cost: $14 for 2,000 participant-minutes


Hyperbeam is designed to support teams of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Our platform enables seamless collaboration and integration, allowing your team to focus on building innovative solutions without the hassle of maintaining complex integrations.

Try Hyperbeam for free and get 10,000 free minutes every month. No credit card required. Start building in minutes with our REST API and NPM package.