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Copyright Check AIProtecting you from legal risks with tailored audit services.

Copyright Check AI is an Artificial Intelligence-driven tool designed to help businesses reduce the risk of costly copyright violations related to the use of music on social media. The tool offers an audit service to uncover potential copyright violations on businesses' social media profiles, including those associated with influencer collaborations. Leveraging in-house proprietary AI software, Copyright Check AI identifies violations and generates a detailed report highlighting the high-risk areas that require attention. This report is presented in an easy-to-use spreadsheet format to facilitate easy navigation. In addition to the audit service, Copyright Check AI also offers ongoing monitoring to track new violations and collabs that might increase the potential legal risk businesses face. Across various social media platforms, any brand, regardless of its size or sector, may find themselves infringing music copyrights in their social posts, ads, or collaborations with influencers. This service aims to identify these violations, remove the risk associated with legal action, and educate brands about copyright laws within social media content.

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Lebih Lanjut Tentang Copyright Check AI

Copyright Check AI: Protect Your Brand from Costly Legal Disputes


Copyright Check AI offers a comprehensive social media audit service designed to protect your brand from costly legal disputes related to copyright infringements. Our proprietary AI software automatically detects copyright violations on your social media profiles, ensuring you stay compliant and avoid hefty fines.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Detection: Our software scans your social media profiles to identify potential copyright infringements.
  • Detailed Reporting: Receive comprehensive reports highlighting high-risk content.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Continuous tracking of your profiles to catch new violations.
  • Influencer Checks: Assess risks associated with influencer collaborations.
  • Legal Guidance: Expert advice on legal music use and best practices.

Use Cases

  • Brands Using Social Media: Protect your brand from legal risks associated with using copyrighted music in social media posts.
  • Influencer Campaigns: Ensure your influencer collaborations are free from copyright violations.
  • Marketing Teams: Safeguard your marketing strategies by staying compliant with copyright laws.
  • Legal Departments: Utilize our detailed reports to mitigate legal risks and inform your legal counsel.


Historical Brand Check

  • Price: $0 per month
  • Includes:
    • Full Profile AI Audit
    • Detailed Report of Risks
    • Guidance for Legal Music Use
    • Monthly/Quarterly Checks Option

Complete Protection

  • Price: Custom pricing based on content/risk factor
  • Includes:
    • Full Profile AI Audit
    • Full Influencer AI Audit
    • Detailed Report Of Risks
    • Guidance for Legal Music Use
    • Script & Advice For Future Collabs
    • Monthly/Quarterly Checks Option

Influencer Protection Check

  • Price: $60 per month
  • Includes:
    • Full Influencer AI Audit
    • Detailed Report Of Risks
    • Guidance for Legal Music Use
    • Script & Advice For Future Collabs
    • Monthly/Quarterly Checks Option


Our expert team at Copyright Check AI is dedicated to providing top-notch services to protect your brand from legal risks. We work closely with in-house legal counsel, heads of marketing, and other key stakeholders to ensure comprehensive protection and compliance.

Get started today with a free social media risk audit and discover how Copyright Check AI can safeguard your brand from potential legal disputes.

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