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SkottSkott: The World's Most Capable Marketer

Skott, by Lyzr AI, is a sophisticated Artificial Intelligence Content Marketer designed to enhance a brand's digital presence and generate more leads. Skott applies advanced tech to extensively research new topics each day and create SEO-optimized blog posts and then automatically repurposes the content for 20+ marketing channels with text, image, audio and video. It can autonomously create content for Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Slideshare and others autonomously with a human in loop review. It's your social media marketer + Designer + Content writer in one. This platform is equally capable of repurposing blog contents into social media posts fit for different channels, contributing to increased online visibility.Skott's process is built upon an enterprise-grade automation design in the Lyzr Agent Framework, which ensures the user maintains complete control over prompts, LLMs (Lifetime Learnable Memories), analytics, and their data. It improves continuously through supervised learning, retaining preference settings and guidelines, and employing a toxicity controller to filter any unsuitable language. As a result, Skott generates human-like, engagement-optimized content befitting of the brand's voice.What sets Skott apart is its use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to access and utilise data based on the user's prompts and supplied information, which allows for customization of the platform according to individual preference. It uses a multi-agent system where multiple expert agents work together to solve complex problems, effectively repurposing existing content for multiple platforms. It can be deployed on your cloud or locally for security and ensures 100% data privacy. Ultimately, Skott, armed with Lyzr's AI Management System (AIMS), delivers constant performance monitoring, manages communications toxicity, and maintains improved performance over time with features such as Human-in-Loop and Reinforced Learning Human Feedback.

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Skott - Your Autonomous AI Marketer

Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy

Skott is an AI-driven marketing agent designed to autonomously handle your content creation and distribution needs. From research to publication, Skott ensures your marketing efforts are efficient, cost-effective, and impactful.

Key Features

  • Autonomous Operation: Functions as an in-house, AI-driven marketing agency.
  • Continuous Learning: Learns and improves continuously.
  • Human-like Content Generation: Produces high-quality, human-like content.
  • Research with Citations: Provides detailed research with citations.
  • Auto Publishing: Publishes content across 15+ marketing channels.
  • Long-term Memory: Retains preferences and guidelines for consistent output.

Use Cases

  • Founders of SMBs & Mid Market Companies: Streamline marketing efforts and reduce costs.
  • CMOs of Agencies: Enhance content quality and consistency.
  • CROs: Drive revenue growth with strategic content marketing.


$1999/month (Flat transparent pricing. No throttling.)

  • Unlimited blog posts
  • Unlimited social media posts
  • Integration with top LLMs
  • AI-generated images and videos
  • Detailed analytics
  • Continuous improvement through self-reflection
  • 24/7 support


Skott is part of Lyzr's suite of AI agents, designed to automate various business functions. Our team is dedicated to providing cutting-edge AI solutions to enhance productivity and drive growth.

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