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GuestLabAI-driven guest research assistant for podcast hosts

GuestLab is your AI research assistant that generates personalized intros, interesting topics, and insightful questions from your guests' LinkedIn profiles. Our AI will also help you dig into your guest's previous appearances and generate your summary, questions/topics, and quotes. The tool aims to provide accurate and relevant information about the guests in seconds. The inspiration behind GuestLab came from the founder's personal experience as a podcast host and event organizer, where hours were spent manually researching guests on platforms like X/LinkedIn. To simplify and expedite this process, the founder developed GuestLab as an AI-powered solution. The tool is designed to act as an assistant for users, much like Alfred assisting Batman, by offering prompt access to accurate guest information. Overall, GuestLab aims to enhance efficiency and mitigate the time investment associated with guest research, allowing hosts and organizers to focus on creating engaging content and delivering impactful podcast episodes.

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Lebih Lanjut Tentang GuestLab

GuestLab: Your AI Research Assistant for Podcasting

Revolutionize Your Podcast Research

GuestLab is an AI-powered research assistant designed to streamline the podcast preparation process. It generates personalized intros, interesting topics, and insightful questions from your guests' LinkedIn profiles, saving you valuable time and enhancing the quality of your interviews.

Key Features

  • Save Time: Automates the research process by scraping LinkedIn profiles.
  • Find Hidden Insights: Uncovers unique topics and insights about your guest.
  • Ask Great Questions: Expands topics into thought-provoking questions.
  • Deep Insights: Provides comprehensive details about your guest's professional background.
  • Custom Inputs for AI Prompts: Tailor the AI to your specific needs.
  • Download as PDF: Easily export your research.

Use Cases

  • Newbie Hosts: Experience the ease of podcasting with automated research.
  • Pro Hosts: Consistently deliver high-quality episodes with in-depth guest insights.
  • Agencies: Support top podcasters with extensive research capabilities.


  • Free: $0/month

    • Research 1 guest/month
    • 1 AI generated intro
    • 10 AI generated topics
    • 20 AI generated questions
    • Deep insights about the guest
    • Email support
  • Pro: $30/month

    • Research 10 guests/month
    • 1 AI generated intro
    • 10 AI generated topics
    • 20 AI generated questions
    • Deep insights about the guest
    • Research from 5M+ episode library
    • LinkedIn activity
    • Custom inputs for AI prompts
    • Download as PDF
    • 24/7/365 support
  • Premium: $500/month

    • Research 100 guests/month
    • Unlimited AI generated intros
    • Unlimited AI generated topics
    • Unlimited AI generated questions
    • Deep insights about the guest
    • Research from 5M+ episode library
    • LinkedIn activity
    • Custom inputs for AI prompts
    • Download as PDF
    • Instant lightning support


GuestLab is built by podcasters for podcasters. Our team understands the challenges of podcast preparation and is dedicated to providing tools that make the process efficient and effective. Join the community of popular podcasts that trust GuestLab to elevate their content.