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adpersonamAI-powered programmatic advertising for web agencies and small businesses.

ad:personam's Self-Serve DSP is a platform designed to power programmatic advertising and marketing, targeted towards web agencies and small businesses. This tool offers an all-encompassing suite of programmatic advertising solutions, designed to meet diverse advertising needs. It enables the running of various campaign types including video, connected TV, mobile, and display. The platform also features a broad Data Marketplace and advanced targeting options like cookieless targeting and contextual targeting. Ad:personam's platform is built on the robust Microsoft Invest DSP technology, ensuring a powerful experience for creating, managing, and optimizing programmatic advertising campaigns. The Self-Serve DSP is characterized by its 'no minimum spend' approach, allowing even small businesses to take advantage of its features. These features also extend to AI-driven tools which transform complex data into actionable insights, enabling smart, data-driven decisions and effective strategy optimization. Ad:personam's platform aims to simplify programmatic advertising, demystifying it for users without technical expertise, while advanced AI features work to ensure efficient campaign optimization. The platform also aids in campaign management, from creation to optimization, offering intuitive solutions for handling all aspects. Another standout aspect is its capacity for handling multiple ad formats, including banners, images, third-party tags, HTML5, video, and native ads.

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ad:personam - 面向程序化广告的 AI 驱动的自助服务 DSP

ad:personam 是面向网络代理商和小型企业的最佳自助服务 DSP,简单、强大且价格合理。现在就使用 AI 程序化广告和无最低广告支出启动您的广告活动。


  • 无最低限度自助服务 DSP: 无需最低限度支出要求即可轻松创建、管理和优化广告活动。
  • 自助服务 DSP 平台: 使用预先构建的模板运行各种广告活动类型,包括视频、联网电视、移动和展示。
  • AI 程序化广告: 利用先进的 AI 工具来制定详细的广告活动计划并获得可操作的见解。
  • 多格式广告上传: 上传横幅、图像、第三方标签、HTML5、视频和原生广告。
  • 数据市场: 访问广泛的定位选项,包括无 cookie 定位和精选交易。
  • 优质库存: 通过顶级供应库存合作伙伴触达高质量受众。


  • 网络代理商: 使用直观的平台为客户简化程序化广告。
  • 小型企业: 在没有财务限制的情况下扩展营销工作。
  • 自由职业者: 轻松管理多个客户广告活动。
  • 营销人员: 利用数据驱动的见解优化策略。
  • 初创公司: 以最小的投资进入程序化广告领域。


使用 ad:personam 自助服务 DSP 相关的成本包括:

  • 订阅成本: 从每月低至 149 欧元起,涵盖对 DSP 平台的访问权限。
  • 广告活动预算: 分别预付,无最低预算或强制性广告支出。


ad:personam 专为初创公司、小型企业和媒体代理商设计。我们的平台简化了程序化广告,为中小企业、初创公司和营销代理商提供了易于使用的入门途径,同时还为大型组织提供了高级功能。我们卓越的客户服务和广泛的知识库确保您拥有在广告活动中取得成功的必要支持。