I needed a service to monitor my various backup, data import, SSL renewal etc. scripts. There were existing services doing this but I thought I can make something as good but cheaper, while have fun doing it.

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More About Healthchecks.io

Healthchecks.io - Simple and Effective Cron Job Monitoring


Healthchecks.io is a powerful tool designed to monitor your cron jobs, scheduled tasks, and background jobs. It ensures that your critical tasks run on time and alerts you when they don't, helping you avoid silent failures.

Key Features

  • Live-updating Dashboard: View and manage all your checks in one place, with real-time updates.
  • Simple Configuration: Easily set up checks with configurable Period and Grace Time parameters.
  • Cron Expression Support: Define expected ping dates and times using cron expressions.
  • Details and Event Log: Add descriptions, leave notes, and view logs of received pings and notifications.
  • Public Status Badges: Display the status of your checks with public but hard-to-guess URLs.
  • Integrations: Get notified through various channels including Email, Webhooks, Slack, Discord, and more.

Use Cases

  • Cron Jobs: Monitor filesystem backups, database backups, report emails, SSL renewals, data import jobs, antivirus scans, and dynamic DNS updates.
  • Processes, Services, Servers: Ensure specific system services or servers are alive and healthy. Monitor docker containers, application processes, database replication lag, and system resources.


Monitor up to 20 cron jobs for free with no credit card required. For more extensive monitoring needs, explore our premium plans designed to scale with your requirements.


Healthchecks.io is trusted by thousands of developers and teams to prevent silent failures. It offers reliable monitoring, an intuitive UI, and a handy API, making it a go-to solution for ensuring the health of your scheduled tasks and background jobs.

Set up monitoring for your cron jobs and catch issues early with Healthchecks.io.