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AIPhone.AIAI-powered phone call app with live translation

AIPhone.AI translates phone calls in real-time, backed by a multilingual translation model, offering super accurate translations. Communicate confidently in your native language during calls, no matter what language the other person speaks!

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More About AIPhone.AI

AIPhone.AI: AI-powered Phone Call App with Live Translation and Transcription

Revolutionize Your Communication

AIPhone.AI is an innovative phone call app that leverages AI to provide live translation and transcription, breaking down language barriers and enhancing communication efficiency.

Key Features

  • Live Call Translation: Translates your voice into another language effortlessly, eliminating language barriers completely.
  • High Accuracy: Experience accurate translations with our Enhanced ASR Speech Recognition and AI Context-Aware Correction.
  • Multiple Languages: Supports over 100 languages and a wide range of accents.
  • Live Call Transcription: Capture every word of your calls and never miss a call detail again.
  • AI Call Summary: Automatically summarize key points from your calls, eliminating the need for note-taking.
  • Call Transcript: Easily access a complete, word-for-word record of your calls and review call details at your convenience.
  • Smart Phone Number: Get a smart phone number that serves as your personal phone assistant, handling calls and text messages 24/7.

Use Cases

  • Immigrants: Ideal for daily calls, helping to bridge language gaps.
  • Travelers: Perfect for on-the-go calls in different languages.
  • International Calls: Facilitates seamless communication across languages.
  • Business Negotiations: Break language barriers in global business environments.
  • Customer Support: Provide support to international clients with ease.
  • Healthcare Consultations: Essential for cross-language communication in healthcare settings.


AIPhone.AI offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs, including a 30-day free package to get you started. Detailed pricing information is available on our website.


Our dedicated team at AIPhone.AI is committed to enhancing your communication experience. We continuously work to improve our services and add more languages to our platform. Stay connected with us for exciting updates and exclusive offers.

Enhance your phone with AI now and never miss any important detail of your call. Make your communication more efficient and worry-free with AIPhone.AI.