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Umbi SpaceRestaurant website builder

AI-powered website builder and online ordering system designed specifically for restaurants

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More About Umbi Space

Umbi Space: AI-Powered Restaurant Website Builder and Online Ordering System


Umbi Space is an AI-powered website builder and online ordering system designed specifically for restaurants. It offers a comprehensive solution to elevate your restaurant's online presence and streamline operations.

Key Features

  • Restaurant website builder with customizable templates
  • Delivery & takeaway ordering system
  • Dine-in order & pay functionality
  • Contactless QR menu
  • Customer review collection system
  • AI-powered tools for restaurants

Use Cases

  • Create a professional restaurant website
  • Implement commission-free online ordering
  • Offer contactless dining experiences
  • Collect and manage customer feedback
  • Enhance SEO and online visibility


Umbi Space offers a "Launch plan" with flexible pricing options. Contact for detailed pricing information.

For Teams

Umbi Space provides solutions for various restaurant types:

  • Pizzerias
  • Full-service restaurants
  • Coffee shops
  • Japanese restaurants
  • And more

Visit Umbi Space to explore templates, features, and start your free trial today.