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WebInsightsVisual website analytics for code and SEO

WebInsights analyse the code developers wrote and explain it for website owner as simple and graphically as possible. It also provide with AI-baked insights about the state of essential SEO-parts like robots.txt and social media tags.

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More About WebInsights

WebInsights | Next Gen Website Analytics


WebInsights offers advanced website analytics powered by OpenAI, providing simple explanations for sophisticated code. Understand what's inside your website with ease.

Key Features

  • Advanced Website Analysis: Unlock the secrets of your website with cutting-edge analytics.
  • Sophisticated Analysis for Simple Results: Analyze developer code and present it in a simple, graphical format.
  • SEO Analysis with AI: Gain insights into competitor strategies and receive recommendations for your website.
  • Connect Any Website: Understand what is inside and what reaches your and your users' browsers.
  • Free Access: Get free analyses with no credit card required.

Use Cases

  • Website Owners: Ideal for individuals or small projects needing focused solutions.
  • Agencies: Suitable for large teams and enterprises requiring comprehensive analysis.
  • Professionals and Small Teams: Designed for those seeking advanced analysis.


  • Website Owner Pack: $9.99 for 100 analyses. Perfect for individuals or small projects.
  • Agency Set: $49.99 for 1000 analyses. Best for large teams and enterprises.
  • Analytic Bundle: $29.00 for 500 analyses. Ideal for professionals and small teams.


WebInsights is developed by a creative team of experts, including marketing professionals, digital marketers, creative designers, and SEO specialists. Our team is dedicated to providing innovative technology and new digital experiences.