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MemberlibPrivate content library for your newsletter audience

Attract new subscribers or incentivise free subscribers to upgrade to your paid offering. You can upload and share anything, fully integrated to your newsletter member list.

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More About Memberlib

Memberlib: Grow Your Newsletter with Exclusive Content


Memberlib is a powerful tool for newsletter creators to share exclusive content, incentivize new subscriptions, and increase paid plan upgrades. It functions as a Dropbox-like folder directly connected to your newsletter.

Key Features

  • File Uploads: Share PDFs, videos, and images
  • Link Sharing: Distribute exclusive content links
  • Gated Content: Create lead magnets and subscriber-only access
  • File-level Controls: Manage access for different subscriber tiers
  • Analytics: Track subscriber engagement
  • Integrations: Compatible with Beehiiv, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, and more

Use Cases

  1. Increase subscriber base
  2. Boost paid subscriptions
  3. Grow audience
  4. Enhance reader engagement
  5. Monetize content


Starter Plan

  • $5/month
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • 200 MB storage
  • Ideal for small newsletters with basic needs

Pro Plan

  • $20/month
  • Unlimited subscribers
  • 20 GB storage
  • Suitable for growing newsletters with advanced requirements

For Teams

Memberlib integrates seamlessly with popular newsletter platforms, making it easy for teams to collaborate and share exclusive content with subscribers.