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MiddayRun your business smarter

An all-in-one tool for freelancers, contractors, consultants, and micro businesses to monitor financial health, time-track projects, store files, and send invoices.

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More About Midday

Midday | Run your business smarter


Midday is an all-in-one tool designed for freelancers, contractors, consultants, and micro businesses to monitor financial health, time-track projects, store files, and send invoices. Used by over 5,400 businesses, Midday has facilitated over 344,485 transactions amounting to $491,211,136.92.

Key Features

  • Financial Overview: Connect to over 20,000 banks in 33 countries, including the US, Canada, UK, and Europe. Keep tabs on your expenses and income for a clearer financial picture.
  • Time Tracking: Advanced time tracking solution to boost productivity and collaboration. Gain insightful project overviews and foster seamless teamwork.
  • Invoicing: Coming soon - web-based invoices, live collaboration, and project sync.
  • Magic Inbox: Automatic matching of incoming invoices or receipts to the right transaction using AI.
  • Vault: Securely store all your files, such as contracts and agreements, in one place.
  • Seamless Export: Easily prepare exports for your accountant with neatly packaged CSV files.

Use Cases

  • Freelancers: Manage your finances, track project time, and store important documents all in one place.
  • Contractors: Keep a clear overview of your financial health and streamline your invoicing process.
  • Consultants: Effortlessly track project time and collaborate with clients.
  • Micro Businesses: Simplify financial management and reduce manual work with automated solutions.


Midday offers competitive pricing tailored to the needs of small businesses and freelancers. Contact us for detailed pricing information and to find the plan that best suits your business needs.


Midday is built by a dedicated team committed to transparency and open-source development. We believe in being as transparent as possible, from code to metrics. Our community-driven approach allows users to request features and vote on priorities. Join our community and contribute to making Midday even better.

Run your business smarter with Midday. Get started today!