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CheckinBeeDaily text check-ins. Remain independent but never alone

CheckinBee will check in with your loved one each and every day via text message. If a check-in is missed, their designated care circle will be automatically notified to check on them. Two week free trial and then $14/m.

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More About CheckinBee

CheckinBee - Daily Check-ins for Peace of Mind


CheckinBee is an automated check-in service designed to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals living alone. By sending daily messages and alerting emergency contacts if a response is not received, CheckinBee provides peace of mind for both users and their loved ones.

Key Features

  • Daily Check-ins: Receive a daily message to confirm your well-being.
  • Emergency Alerts: Notify emergency contacts if a check-in is missed.
  • Easy Setup: No app download required; simply create an account and set your preferences.
  • Customizable Check-in Times: Choose the time of day you want to receive your check-in message.
  • User-Friendly: Reply with 'yes' or 'okay' to confirm your check-in.

Use Cases

  • Individuals Living Alone: Ensure daily safety checks and quick alerts to loved ones if something goes wrong.
  • Caregivers and Family Members: Stay informed about the well-being of loved ones, even from a distance.
  • Organizations: Ideal for independent living communities, hospitals, non-profits, and church groups to manage member check-ins from a single dashboard.


CheckinBee offers a straightforward pricing model with a free trial available. No credit card is required to start, and you can cancel anytime. For detailed pricing information, please visit our pricing page.


CheckinBee is developed by a dedicated team focused on providing reliable and user-friendly solutions for daily check-ins. Our mission is to offer peace of mind to individuals living alone and their families through innovative technology and exceptional customer service.