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Almeta MLPredict customer behavior on your site with ML, save on ads

Predict customer behavior on your website in real time, use these predictions in marketing. Example: predict how likely a person is to make a purchase, target them by that metric on Google Ads, FB Ads, email campaigns, or show an offer on your website.

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More About Almeta ML

Almeta ML: Predict Customer Behavior and Boost Revenue with Machine Learning


Almeta ML is a powerful machine learning platform designed to predict customer behavior, increase revenue, and optimize marketing efforts. By leveraging advanced ML models, Almeta ML enables businesses to gain actionable insights into user behavior, personalize experiences, and make data-driven decisions.

Key Features

  • Predictive analytics for user actions
  • Personalized product recommendations
  • Revenue, margin, and LTV predictions
  • Send time optimization
  • Lead scoring and prioritization
  • Custom ML model support
  • Real-time event processing
  • Integrations with major advertising platforms and email services

Use Cases

  1. Advertising optimization
  2. Email targeting and personalization
  3. Offer selection and prioritization
  4. Website personalization
  5. Customer retention strategies
  6. Custom workflows and integrations

How It Works

  1. Set up event tracking via web tag or integrations
  2. Choose ML models (pre-built or custom)
  3. Select result destinations
  4. Leverage insights for marketing and personalization


  • Free Plan: $0/month, 5,000 model calculations, 10,000 events
  • Standard Plan: $99/month (billed annually), 50,000 model calculations, 1,000,000 events
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing, advanced features, and support

For Developers

  • Server-side and browser-based ML calculations
  • API and web tag implementation
  • Integrations with major platforms
  • Customizable infrastructure
  • No vendor lock-in


  • No default user tracking
  • Optional cookie-free implementation
  • Control over data collection and storage

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