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StreambasedAnalytics Service for Kafka

Streambased is a free, zero-signup, zero-deployment SQL-based service for running analytics on Kafka-compatible data streaming platforms.

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More About Streambased

Streambased - Analytics Service for Kafka


Streambased A.S.K. is a SQL-based analytics service designed for Apache Kafka® compatible data streaming platforms. It eliminates the need for complex setup, management, and deployment steps, allowing you to query your Kafka data using your favorite tools effortlessly.

Key Features

  • No Signup: Start using Streambased without any registration.
  • Zero Deployment: No need for extensive deployment processes.
  • No Data Movement: Analyze data directly at its source without moving it.
  • DOS Protection: Utilize standard client quotas to protect your Kafka cluster.
  • Schema Registry Integration: Seamlessly translate Schema Registry schemas into table definitions.
  • Kafka ACLs and RBAC: Reuse Kafka access management in your SQL tools.
  • Acceleration: Enhance Kafka data access for analytics with topic statistics, pre-aggregation, and predicate pushdown.

Use Cases

  • Boost Model Accuracy: Train predictive models on fresh datasets for improved accuracy.
  • Reveal Business Insights: Examine all events leading to a conclusion, not just the final outcome.
  • Analyze All Contributing Events: Report on previously inaccessible areas of your business.
  • Innovate with Instant Data Access: Explore and innovate with new datasets as soon as they are available.


Streambased A.S.K. offers a free, serverless service for running analytics on streaming data. For dedicated services and on-premise deployments, contact us for more information.


Streambased is designed to support teams of data engineers, system architects, and business analysts by providing a scalable, high-performance analytics solution for Kafka data. Our platform integrates seamlessly with existing Kafka infrastructure, ensuring secure and efficient data analysis.

Get started with Streambased today and unlock the full potential of your streaming data!