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Theme Buddy Figma PluginExport and import theme settings from Figma to code

Theme Buddy is a Figma plugin that simplifies theme management in your Ant Design projects. Export Figma themes as JSON files to easily match with your code or import theme settings from your code into Figma.

Theme Buddy Figma Plugin screenshot
More About Theme Buddy Figma Plugin

Theme Buddy Figma Plugin | Ant Design System for Figma

Convert Figma designs to Ant Design React code instantly!

Key Features

  • Export Theme Settings: Save Figma theme settings as JSON files.
  • Import Theme Settings: Apply theme settings from your code directly into Figma.
  • Light, Dark, and Compact Modes: Full support for various theme modes.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensures consistent styling between Figma designs and Ant Design React apps.

Use Cases

  • Design Consistency: Maintain uniform design across Figma and React applications.
  • Efficient Workflow: Streamline the process of transferring theme settings between design and development.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Quickly apply and test different themes in your design and code environments.
  • Collaboration: Enhance collaboration between designers and developers by ensuring design fidelity.


  • Free Version: Try out the Light Theme Export feature.
  • Full Version: Available through:
    • One-time Purchase: Lifetime license in Premium or Ultimate package.
    • Subscription: Monthly or yearly subscription exclusively for the plugin.


Theme Buddy for Ant Design is designed to enhance the workflow of teams using the Ant Design System for Figma. It ensures that designers and developers can work seamlessly together, maintaining consistency and efficiency across projects. The plugin is compatible with Ant Design System for Figma version 5.11 or newer and outputs JSON usable in the React version of Ant Design (5.0+).

Get the full version of Theme Buddy through our Premium or Ultimate packages and save up to 50%!