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Sales Likelihood CalculatorLearn more about SALES w/ this 🕹 Free game!

Will They Buy? – Estimate The Probability! ① Review the “sales green light conditions” that indicate your deal is likely to close. ② Attack the red squares to check them off. You want the whole board to turn green. 5-minute game timer. Free forever.

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More About Sales Likelihood Calculator

Sales Likelihood Calculator: Estimate Your Deal's Probability


The Sales Likelihood Calculator is a free interactive tool designed to help sales professionals assess the probability of closing a deal. By leveraging the MEDDPICC sales framework, users can identify key factors influencing sales success and improve their strategies.

Key Features

  • Interactive checklist based on "sales green light conditions"
  • Visual feedback with red-to-green color transitions
  • Scoring system to quantify sales likelihood
  • Timer functionality for time-based assessments
  • Sound mute option for user preference

Use Cases

  1. Sales strategy evaluation
  2. Deal progress tracking
  3. Sales team training and education
  4. Identifying areas for improvement in the sales process
  5. Preparing for client meetings and presentations


The Sales Likelihood Calculator is offered as a free tool for sales professionals and organizations.

For Teams

  • Access to Google Sheet version for collaborative use
  • Potential for integration into existing sales processes
  • Valuable resource for sales managers to guide team members

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