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CivitAIThe Home of open-source generative AI

Explore thousands of high-quality Stable Diffusion models, share your AI-generated art, and engage with a vibrant community of creators.

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More About CivitAI

Civitai: Unleash Your AI-Powered Creativity


Civitai is a dynamic platform for AI-generated content, offering a diverse range of images, models, and creative resources. Our community-driven approach fosters innovation and collaboration in the field of artificial intelligence and digital art.

Key Features

  • Image Gallery: Explore a vast collection of AI-generated images
  • Model Repository: Access and share AI models for various applications
  • Community Posts: Discover curated groups of images created with specific models
  • Educational Articles: Learn from tutorials, guides, and in-depth analyses
  • AI Film Competition: Participate in and vote on AI-generated film projects

Use Cases

  • Digital artists seeking inspiration
  • AI enthusiasts experimenting with new models
  • Researchers studying AI-generated content
  • Filmmakers exploring AI in video production
  • Educators teaching AI and digital art concepts

Community Engagement

  • Featured Creators: Spotlight on top contributors
  • Social Media Integration: Stay updated with the latest community developments
  • Project Odyssey: Annual AI film competition showcasing innovative entries


  • API: Integrate Civitai features into your projects
  • Wiki: Access comprehensive documentation and guides
  • Education Programs: Participate in AI learning initiatives
  • Residency: Exclusive programs for AI creators and researchers

For pricing information and team collaboration features, please contact our support team or visit our website.