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Shazam Concert Finder | Discover Live Music Events

Find concerts by genres in the United States

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Concert Listings: Discover live music events across the United States.
  • Genre Filters: Easily filter concerts by genres such as Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, and more.
  • Date Filters: Find concerts happening today, tomorrow, this weekend, or set a custom date range.
  • Location Filters: Search for concerts near you or in any specific location within the United States.
  • Detailed Event Information: Get concert tickets, see tour dates, and more.

Use Cases

  • Music Enthusiasts: Find and attend concerts of your favorite genres and artists.
  • Travelers: Discover live music events happening in your travel destination.
  • Event Planners: Keep track of upcoming concerts to plan your events accordingly.
  • Friends and Families: Plan outings and enjoy live music together.


Shazam Concert Finder is available for free. Additional features and integrations may be available through in-app purchases or subscriptions.


Shazam Concert Finder is developed by a dedicated team of music enthusiasts and tech experts at Apple Inc. Our mission is to connect people with live music experiences they love.