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Escape the AlgorithmReclaim your time, escape the algorithm

Escape the Algorithm lets you reclaim your time online by hiding algorithmically suggested content on YouTube, Facebook, and more. Take control of your digital experience, avoid distractions, and discover content on your terms with our easy-to-use tool.

Escape the Algorithm screenshot
More About Escape the Algorithm

Escape the Algorithm: Regain Control of Your Social Media Experience


Escape the Algorithm is a powerful browser extension designed to hide algorithmically suggested content on popular social media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Key Features

  • Removes algorithmically suggested content
  • Works on multiple social media platforms
  • Free to download and use
  • Easy-to-use browser extension

Use Cases

  • Reduce distractions and time spent on social media
  • Focus on content from accounts you follow
  • Avoid falling into recommendation rabbit holes
  • Improve mental health by limiting exposure to addictive content


Escape the Algorithm is available as a free download.

For Teams

Our extension can be deployed across organizations to improve productivity and reduce social media distractions in the workplace.

[Download Free Extension]

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