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LoopsProduct analytics that surface your biggest causal Insights

Loops is a no-code platform that empowers product and data managers to maximize conversion, retention and other KPIs. Instead of more dashboards, it leverages causal AI models to proactively identify insights hidden across their data.

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More About Loops

Loops: Maximize Your KPIs with Causal Analytics


Loops is a powerful analytics platform that empowers data analysts and product managers to drive growth through deep, accurate causal insights. By leveraging proprietary causal inference models, Loops helps identify the biggest opportunities to maximize KPIs and measure the impact of product changes without A/B testing.

Key Features

  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Causal Analytics
  • Release Impact Measurement
  • Habit Moment/Journey Tracking
  • KPI Drop Detection
  • Hidden Segment Identification
  • Gen-AI Insights

Use Cases

  • Quickly identify reasons for KPI declines
  • Measure feature impact without A/B testing
  • Discover hidden user journeys impacting conversions
  • Prioritize hypotheses with higher success likelihood
  • Track progress towards targets and course-correct early


Contact Loops for pricing information. They offer:

  • Easy, no-code setup
  • Dedicated assistance
  • Incentives to start

For Teams

Data Analysts

Loops empowers analysts to make a real impact on growth by providing deep insights and automating complex analysis tasks.

Product Managers

Drives new insights and confidence for product managers, helping prioritize efforts and measure feature impact accurately.


  • 80+% increase in experiment success rate
  • 20-200% lift in conversion, retention, and revenue metrics
  • 80+% improved accuracy in measuring product release impact