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Idea MorphBrainstorming Tool

Scale up your team's brainstorming sessions with Morph, the async & individual brainstorming tool. A free version with 3 projects and unlimited ideas is available!

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More About Idea Morph

Morph: Scale Up Your Company's Idea Generation

Morph is an asynchronous, guided brainstorming tool that revolutionizes how companies generate and develop ideas. Unlike traditional whiteboards, Morph moves ideas forward through a structured process.

Key Features

  • Challenge builder to frame problems effectively
  • Curated inspiration packs to spark creativity
  • Multiple creativity exercises with in-exercise triggers
  • Anonymous voting to surface the best ideas
  • Concept creation tools to develop actionable solutions
  • AI-powered assistant to help generate concepts
  • Analytics to track team performance and engagement

Use Cases

  • Innovation projects
  • Product development
  • Client co-creation
  • Employee engagement initiatives
  • Hackathons
  • Operational improvements

Benefits for Teams

  • Extract knowledge from across the organization
  • Get stakeholder buy-in through collaborative process
  • Prioritize ideas objectively through voting
  • Accelerate improvement cycles
  • Enable asynchronous, remote collaboration
  • Develop a culture of innovation


  • Starter Plan: Free
  • Creator Plan: For growing teams
  • Innovator Plan: For enterprises

Start generating better ideas today with Morph's guided brainstorming platform. Sign up for free to unlock your team's creative potential.