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Design SightThe missing link between design and development

Design Sight is a macOS application developed to assist mobile application developers in accurately comparing their implementations with design mockups.

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More About Design Sight

Design Sight: Revolutionize Your Mobile Development Workflow


Design Sight is a game-changing macOS application that boosts mobile development productivity. It streamlines the process of aligning app designs with mockups, reducing revisions and accelerating development.

Key Features

  • Rectangle Tool: Measure exact pixel dimensions of visual components
  • Mockup Comparison: Overlay mockups onto emulator previews for precise alignment
  • Grid Tool: Customizable grid overlay for perfect UI alignments
  • Ruler Tool: Accurate measurements in on-device pixels
  • Compatibility: Works with Android Studio Emulator & iOS Simulator

Use Cases

  • Aligning work perfectly with designer mockups
  • Capturing exact pixel dimensions
  • Reducing revision cycles
  • Ensuring consistent spacing and symmetry across apps
  • Precise UI element placement


  • Cut development time by up to 50%
  • Eliminate design inconsistencies
  • Deliver flawless UIs that impress clients
  • Boost productivity and design accuracy


  1. Switch emulator display to window mode
  2. Design Sight auto-detects emulator window
  3. Disable device frames for unobstructed view


[Information not provided in the original text]


Design Sight is ideal for mobile development teams, particularly senior developers looking to streamline their workflow and improve design accuracy.

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