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KulukoTurn your ideas into 3h+ custom Audiobooks

Enter your idea and we generate a full novel and turn it into your personal audiobook using AI. Choose between an easy mode with just one sentence or an advanced mode where you can customize characters, genre, story, time and place and much more. Now on IOS.

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More About Kuluko

Kuluko: Turn Your Ideas into Audiobooks


Kuluko is an AI-powered audiobook generator app that allows users to create personalized audiobooks from their ideas. Available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, Kuluko transforms text prompts into fully-realized stories and audiobooks up to 4 hours long.

Key Features

  • AI-powered story generation
  • Easy Mode: Generate stories from a single prompt
  • Advanced Mode: Customize characters, genre, setting, and more
  • Personalized story suggestions
  • Real-time audiobook conversion
  • Private and public libraries for sharing

Use Cases

  • Commuters looking for personalized audio content
  • Creative writers seeking inspiration
  • Audiobook enthusiasts wanting unique stories
  • Anyone interested in AI-generated storytelling


  • Free to download
  • In-app purchase: Premium for €8.99


Developed by Kuluko Oy, a Finnish company committed to innovative storytelling technology.