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OyenCovUsage-weighted test coverage service for Rails apps

Next-generation test coverage service for Ruby on Rails applications, offering actionable insights by profiling code execution across both CI test env and production runtime.

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More About OyenCov

OyenCov: Usage-weighted Test Coverage for Rails Applications


OyenCov is a powerful tool for Rails applications that provides usage-weighted test coverage analysis. It helps developers prioritize engineering and QA efforts by identifying the most frequently used parts of the codebase.

Key Features

  • Line-by-line production runtime profiling
  • Comparison of production usage with test suite coverage
  • Identification of effort gaps in test cases
  • Support for Ruby modules/methods, controller actions, and background jobs
  • OyenCov Score Formula for precise analysis

Use Cases

  • Improve test coverage in critical areas of your codebase
  • Optimize engineering and QA resource allocation
  • Enhance overall codebase reliability and quality
  • Monitor changes in usage patterns proactively


OyenCov offers a free preview for a limited period. Sign up to try it for free, with no credit card information required.

For Teams

OyenCov is ideal for development teams looking to:

  • Focus testing efforts on the most impactful areas of their Rails application
  • Improve code quality and reliability efficiently
  • Make data-driven decisions about test coverage improvements

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