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StreeeaksGithub-like Activity Graphs For Everything You Do!

Track time and set goals & rewards across all your projects. Wether it's a startup you are working on, hitting the gym regularly or learning a new skill - see your progress in a yearly and monthly activity graph.

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More About Streeeaks

Streeeaks: Your Personal Time Tracking and Goal Achievement Platform


Streeeaks is a comprehensive time tracking and goal-setting platform designed to help you stay consistent with your projects and achieve your objectives. By visualizing your progress through GitHub-like activity graphs, Streeeaks motivates you to maintain momentum and turn your ideas into reality.

Key Features

  • Multiple project tracking
  • Customizable goals and rewards
  • Time tracking with manual entry option
  • Detailed activity graphs
  • Progress monitoring

Use Cases

  • Personal development projects
  • Fitness and health goals
  • Side hustles and entrepreneurial ventures
  • Skill acquisition and learning
  • Habit formation and maintenance


Streeeaks Time Tracker is available for a one-time payment of $19 USD (regularly $29), offering:

  • Unlimited projects
  • Goal and reward setting
  • Time entry recording
  • Yearly and monthly graphs
  • Lifetime access to future updates

For Teams

While primarily designed for individual use, Streeeaks can be adapted for team projects, allowing members to track collective progress and maintain group accountability.

[Get Streeeaks Now]