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Dumb PhoneTurn your iPhone into a minimalist style phone

Want to avoid easy distractions when you pick up your iPhone? Dumb Phone has your back by transforming it into a minimalist style phone that swaps flashy icons / colors with a sleek and minimal Home Screen for accessing essential apps.

Dumb Phone screenshot
More About Dumb Phone

Dumb Phone: Minimize Distractions, Maximize Focus


Dumb Phone is a minimalist smartphone application designed to help users reduce distractions and increase productivity. By transforming your smart device into a "dumb phone," it aims to limit unnecessary notifications and dopamine-inducing features.

Key Features

  • Minimalist interface
  • Distraction-blocking capabilities
  • Customizable app restrictions
  • Focus mode

Use Cases

  • Students looking to improve study habits
  • Professionals aiming to enhance work productivity
  • Individuals seeking to reduce screen time and digital addiction
  • Anyone wanting a simpler, less distracting mobile experience


Download the Dumb Phone app for free and start your journey to a more focused digital life.

For Teams

Dumb Phone can be implemented across organizations to boost team productivity and reduce digital distractions in the workplace.

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