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LaunchPageCreate waitlist in minutes

Create and manage your waitlist in just 20 seconds with LaunchPage. Start your 7-day free trial today and focus on building your product, not your waitlist

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More About LaunchPage

Launchpage: Build Your Product, Not Your Waitlist


Launchpage is a SaaS platform that simplifies the process of creating and managing waitlists for product launches. It offers a quick setup, customizable forms, and automated email functionality.

Key Features

  • 20-second waitlist creation
  • No-code designer for customization
  • Real-time analytics dashboard
  • Personalized branding options
  • Automated email setup
  • Multiple project management

Use Cases

  • Product pre-launches
  • Beta testing signups
  • Event registrations
  • Early access programs


Lifetime Deal (Limited Time Offer):

  • $49 USD (Regular price: $258)
  • 25% additional discount with coupon code: WAIT25OFF
  • Limited to first 10 subscribers


  • 10 projects
  • 2000 submissions per project
  • Welcome email functionality
  • Customizable thank you page
  • Branding removal
  • Data export
  • Launch notification emails
  • Priority support
  • Advanced traffic analytics
  • Custom email templates
  • Hosted page
  • Custom domain (coming soon)


Launchpage is suitable for:

  • Startups
  • Product managers
  • Marketers
  • Event organizers
  • Beta program managers