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Contact ButtonAll-in-one website widget

Contact Button helps you get more leads by providing website visitors with 1-click access to 15 widgets designed to solve common use cases directly inside of the button's interface. It's almost like being able to embed a smartphone in the corner of a website.

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More About Contact Button

Contact Button: The All-in-One Website Widget

Turn Website Visitors into Loyal Customers

Key Features

  • Lead Capture: Capture leads from any page using customizable forms.
  • Omnichannel Apps: Enable visitors to contact you via phone, WhatsApp, text message, or social networks.
  • Reservations & Bookings: Embed booking capabilities directly within the button.
  • Online Messaging: Integrate with popular chat widget software.
  • Business Info: Display key business information like hours, menus, and maps.
  • Customizable Design: Control colors, fonts, and layout to match your brand.

Use Cases

  • Retail & Specialty Shops: Drive in-store traffic and online sales.
  • Restaurants & CafĂ©s: Simplify reservations and menu browsing.
  • Service Professionals: Capture leads and manage appointments.
  • Travel Services: Provide easy access to booking and contact information.


  • Basic Plan: Free
    • Up to 10 new leads per month
    • Up to 100 monthly button clicks
    • Access to premium features
    • Use custom Google Fonts
    • Hide Contact Button branding
    • Embed your own affiliate link
  • Max Plan: $10/month
    • Unlimited monthly leads
    • Unlimited button clicks
    • Access to premium features
    • Use custom Google Fonts
    • Hide Contact Button branding
    • Embed your own affiliate link


Contact Button is designed to help teams across various industries capture more leads and improve customer engagement. Customize your button to fit your specific needs and integrate it seamlessly with your existing tools and website builders. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Contact Button offers the flexibility and functionality to enhance your online presence and drive growth.