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Task Kitchen Make to-do lists actionable with one click

To-do lists can be overwhelming, making it harder to be productive. Task Kitchen simplifies them by assigning each task a duration and start time. Timeboxing has never been easier, so get cooking!

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More About Task Kitchen

KitchenMaster: The Recipe of Your Day

Transform your to-do list into an actionable schedule that works.

Key Features

  • Simplify, organize, and conquer your day with ease.
  • Organize your tasks effortlessly.
  • Add tasks in a snap.
  • One app to sync your entire schedule.
  • Easily navigate your day's structure.

Use Cases

  • Manage daily tasks efficiently.
  • Plan and organize personal and professional schedules.
  • Sync tasks across multiple devices.
  • Enhance productivity with a streamlined task management system.
  • Navigate through your day with a clear, actionable plan.


KitchenMaster offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs. Whether you're an individual looking for a personal task manager or a team needing a collaborative scheduling tool, we have a plan for you. Contact us for detailed pricing information.


KitchenMaster is designed to support teams of all sizes. Our app allows for seamless collaboration, task delegation, and schedule synchronization, ensuring that every team member stays on track and productive.