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CrunchProfileSummarize candidate experiences on LinkedIn and Github

Recruiters, streamline your sourcing process with CrunchProfile! See at a glance which growth stages candidates experienced at each company and what those companies do. For developers, CrunchProfile can even extract emails from GitHub logs when available.

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More About CrunchProfile

CrunchProfile - Streamline Your Recruitment Process

Revolutionize Candidate Research

Key Features

  • Summarize candidate experiences on LinkedIn and GitHub
  • Identify growth stages of companies candidates worked at
  • Summarize candidate expertise and contact info from GitHub profiles
  • Eliminate the need for multiple Crunchbase tabs

Use Cases

  • Recruiters looking to streamline candidate research
  • HR professionals needing quick insights into candidate backgrounds
  • Companies aiming to enhance their talent sourcing efficiency


CrunchProfile offers a free extension with essential features. For advanced functionalities, contact the developer for custom pricing options.


CrunchProfile is designed for recruitment teams and HR departments seeking to optimize their candidate sourcing and research processes.