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The Daily ProductDaily buzz from Product Hunt in podcast format

The Daily Product is your daily dose of the latest innovations from Product Hunt! Generated daily using text-to-podcast technology from Podcraftr, each episode hits the top products featured on Product Hunt and the community discussion around them.

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More About The Daily Product

The Daily Product - Your Daily Dose of Innovation


Welcome to The Daily Product, your go-to podcast for the latest and greatest innovations featured on Product Hunt. Hosted by Michael, the founder of Podcraftr, each episode delves into the top products from the previous day, offering insights into new startups, apps, tools, and tech that are making waves in the industry.

Key Features

  • Daily Episodes: Fresh content every day, highlighting the most exciting new products.
  • Expert Insights: Detailed segments on each featured product, including what it does and why it’s unique.
  • Community Feedback: Insights from top comments and user reviews on Product Hunt.
  • Diverse Topics: Coverage of a wide range of products, from AI tools to productivity apps.

Use Cases

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover new tools and startups that can help you grow your business.
  • Tech Enthusiasts: Stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in the tech world.
  • Marketers: Find new marketing tools and platforms to enhance your strategies.
  • Developers: Learn about new development tools and frameworks that can streamline your workflow.


The Daily Product podcast is free to listen to on various platforms. For exclusive content and early access to episodes, consider subscribing to our premium plan.


The Daily Product is brought to you by the team at Podcraftr, led by Michael. Our team is dedicated to curating the best products and delivering insightful content to our listeners. We work closely with the Product Hunt community to bring you the most relevant and innovative products every day.