
KulukoTurn ideas into audiobooks with AI.

Turn your ideas into audiobooks with Kuluko! Our AI crafts full novels based on your input, offering both Easy and Advanced modes for customization. Create, listen, and share your stories.

Kuluko screenshot


Kuluko is an AI-powered audiobook generator that lets you turn your ideas into captivating, personalized audiobooks with ease. Whether you write stories for fun or create professionally, Kuluko offers a seamless and engaging experience for storytelling.

Product Highlights

  • AI-powered: Kuluko features extensive customization options, including character types, story genres, and more.
  • Easy Mode: Generate full novels with just a single prompt.
  • Advanced Mode: Take full control of your story, including characters, genre, setting, story time, narrator voice, and more.

Use Cases

  • Entertainment: Enjoy your favorite ideas and transform them into audiobooks.
  • Education: Use Kuluko to develop writing skills and gain experience in storytelling.
  • Communication: Share your stories with the world and reach a wider audience.

Target Audience

Kuluko is perfect for those who love storytelling and need a seamless platform to create and publish personalized audiobooks.

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