
KulukoTurn your ideas into 3h+ custom Audiobooks

Turn your ideas into 3+ hour custom audiobooks with Kuluko's AI! Choose easy mode with one sentence or customize characters, genre, story, and more. Now on iOS.

Kuluko screenshot


Turn your ideas into custom audiobooks with ease. Choose your topic, narrator voice, music, and more! Create personalized audiobooks quickly and efficiently with Kuluko, in just minutes.

Product Highlights

  • Feature 1: Transform your ideas into custom audiobooks with user-friendly tools.
  • Feature 2: Choose from a wide range of voices and music styles.
  • Feature 3: Create an audiobook in minutes.

Use Cases

  • Use case 1: Share your personal story with the world through an audiobook.
  • Use case 2: Create engaging audio content for your business.
  • Use case 3: Gift personalized audiobooks to friends and family.

Target Audience

Kuluko is ideal for individuals and professionals who want to create custom audiobooks easily and efficiently.

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