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Scout (formerly Uh-Oh Labs)The smart testing platform that unlocks digital health at home.

Digital health holds a lot of potential but is ignoring a growing problem: diagnostic testing. Without this data, providers and organizations will be limited in the services they can provide patients at home. Scout has developed a platform - Hub, test kits, and app - that delivers health testing at home with 10x lower development cost and 3x lower per-test price. Our patented tech also meets performance requirements for medical diagnoses and integrates with the current healthcare tech stack. Scout’s technology is poised to disrupt the outdated $33Bn diagnostic market by democratizing testing while dramatically improving the patient experience. Scout has received $16M in non-dilutive funding from the NIH and other organizations to fully de-risk our platform, and our pipeline includes a diverse test menu for primary care (e.g. respiratory and sexual health), wellness (e.g. gut health), and chronic conditions (e.g. certain cancers). We have already received FDA authorization for our platform in clinical settings and are planning to launch our flagship Scout Hub in Q1 2024.

United States of AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemotePartly Remote
Scout (formerly Uh-Oh Labs) screenshot
More About Scout (formerly Uh-Oh Labs)

Scout | Fast, Accurate Health Tests

Revolutionizing Home Health Testing

Key Features

  • Lab-Grade Accuracy: 99% as accurate as clinical lab tests.
  • Rapid Results: Receive clinical results within 30 minutes.
  • Portable Hub: Streamlined testing with a portable Hub and simple test kits.
  • Patented Technology: Backed by institutions like NIH, Johns Hopkins University, and Y Combinator.
  • Cost-Effective: A fraction of the price of traditional lab technology.

Use Cases

  • Infection Detection: Detect infections days earlier than other home tests.
  • COVID-19 Testing: Reliable and fast COVID-19 test results.
  • STI Testing: Low-cost point-of-care and home diagnostics for STIs like gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • General Health Monitoring: Convenient and accurate health monitoring from home.


Scout offers affordable pricing options to make lab-grade health testing accessible to everyone. Detailed pricing plans will be available upon full launch.


Scout is developed by a team of experts and backed by leading institutions. Our mission is to bring lab-grade health testing to the comfort of your home, ensuring accuracy and convenience for all users.