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Vena VitalsA small sticker that monitors blood pressure continuously

Vena Vitals makes a small sticker that monitors blood pressure continuously. We've shown that it works in the operating room and is as accurate as the best tools doctors have today, at a fraction of the cost. We're a team of health tech scientists with multiple past startups and exits, and we've built products that have scaled to over 2M users.

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More About Vena Vitals

Vena Vitals | Better Blood Pressure Monitoring

Revolutionizing Blood Pressure Monitoring

Key Features

  • Continuous blood pressure monitoring
  • Non-invasive technology
  • Real-time data analytics
  • User-friendly interface
  • Secure data storage

Use Cases

  • Home health monitoring
  • Clinical settings
  • Remote patient monitoring
  • Fitness and wellness tracking
  • Research and clinical trials


Vena Vitals offers flexible pricing plans tailored to individual and institutional needs. Contact us for detailed pricing information.


Our dedicated team at Vena Vitals comprises healthcare professionals, engineers, and data scientists committed to advancing blood pressure monitoring technology. We work collaboratively to ensure our solutions meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.