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Daybreak HealthThe first digital mental health system for youth

Daybreak offers comprehensive and clinically-validated online mental health services designed for youth, like teletherapy, psychiatry and digital education. We partner with schools and pediatric groups to make access to services easy, and strive to deliver zero cost to the end consumer through insurance and government funding.

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More About Daybreak Health

Daybreak Health | Student success starts with mental health


Daybreak Health partners with school districts and schools to provide personalized mental health support, helping students reach their full potential. Our teletherapy programs offer high-quality, affordable, and culturally competent care tailored to each student's unique needs.

Key Features

  • Teletherapy Programs: Evidence-based teletherapy for K-12 students, designed to improve academic outcomes.
  • Mental Health Classes: Curriculum for families and school staff to support youth mental health.
  • Universal Screeners: Tools to identify student mental health needs early and inform proactive support systems.
  • Onsite Mental Health Program: Comprehensive mental health services available directly within schools.

Use Cases

  • School Districts: Enhance student mental health support and improve academic performance.
  • Families: Access affordable and culturally competent mental health care for children.
  • Students: Receive personalized mental health support to improve behavior, grades, and attendance.


Daybreak Health offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of school districts and families. Contact us to learn more about our affordable and comprehensive mental health programs.


Daybreak Health's team consists of experienced mental health professionals dedicated to supporting students' mental well-being. Our team works closely with school-based teams to expand capacity and provide high-quality mental health support to more students.

Empower your students to be their best selves with Daybreak Health's comprehensive mental health programs. Book a demo today to learn more.