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VenoStentAbsorbable wrap for blood vessels

There are 10 million dialysis and bypass surgeries per year, but half of them fail. VenoStent saves lives with a wrap that goes around blood vessels during surgery so they don't fail.

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More About VenoStent

SelfWrap: Bioengineered Vascular Support for Better Dialysis Outcomes


SelfWrap is a bioabsorbable, flexible vascular wrap designed to reduce dialysis access site failures, improving the quality and length of life for patients with end-stage renal disease.

Key Features

  • Bioabsorbable material
  • Flexible design
  • Reduces dialysis access site failures
  • Enhances vascular surgery outcomes

Use Cases

  • Renal dialysis access
  • Vascular surgery support
  • Chronic kidney disease management
  • Hemodialysis patients


SelfWrap is currently in the research and development phase and is not available for sale in any country. It is an investigational device limited by Federal Law to investigational use.


Our cross-disciplinary team of experts in biomedical engineering, materials engineering, and medical 3D printing is pioneering novel tissue engineering technology to improve the lives of vascular surgery patients.