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More About Demeanor.co

Demeanor - Where Influencers Create Products

Build Your Own Brand

Demeanor is a platform for influencers to make and sell their dream products. Tell us your vision and we'll make it happen.

Key Features

  • Low Upfront Cost: Only a small setup fee, then we won't charge you another cent until your products are selling.
  • 0 Hassle: Our marketplace of pros handle everything from manufacturing to customer service.
  • Any Product: From courses to purses to games to watches; we'll make it happen. You just need a vision and a fanbase.
  • Authentic Brands: We help you make the perfect product for you and your fanbase, not just slap your name on something generic.
  • Fully Transparent Process: A product dashboard keeps you updated every step of the way, from manufacturing to sales.

Use Cases

  • Influencers: Create and sell products that resonate with your audience.
  • Content Creators: Monetize your content by offering exclusive products.
  • Entrepreneurs: Launch a new product line with minimal upfront investment.
  • Artists: Turn your creative vision into tangible products.


Only a small setup fee is required to get started. After that, you won't be charged until your products start selling.


Our platform takes care of:

  • Project Management
  • Product Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Fulfillment
  • Storefront
  • Customer Service

Sell directly to your fans with a fully transparent process and build a genuine brand that reflects your vision.