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Ready EducationReady Education is building the mobile OS for higher education. We…

Student engagement and persistence pose a significant challenge in higher education. Ready Education, the preferred choice of over 350 higher ed institutions, offers custom mobile app solutions that enable colleges and universities to personalize the student experience and support engagement. Our mission is to make college a successful journey for every student. The Ready Education platform is designed to support student success by unifying campus resources – LMS, co-curricular, athletics, clubs/orgs, events and many more – within a branded, integrated, college app. By adopting the Ready Education platform, administrators are able to track student engagement, get immediate feedback, and send targeted content to their students. Clear communication between a student and their institution is crucial when it comes to having a positive higher learning experience. Going mobile bridges this communication gap, connecting hundreds of thousands of students with their administrators, their campus, and most importantly, their peers, both on and off campus. For more information, visit

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More About Ready Education

Ready Education | The Total Student Experience Platform

Empowering Student Success

Ready Education is dedicated to empowering students and departments to collaborate and achieve success by offering opportunities to connect and engage the entire campus community in events, groups, discussions, and more.

Key Features

  • Student Communication: Communicate with students using familiar technology.
  • Student Engagement: A unified platform tailored to engage students seamlessly between mobile and desktop.
  • Student Experience: Intervene before students become at-risk by addressing issues that lead to disengagement.
  • Student Connection: Keep students informed and connected to campus life.
  • Centralization: A central digital ecosystem for all student needs.

Use Cases

  • Academic Affairs: Enhance communication and engagement with students.
  • Student Affairs: Improve student involvement and retention.
  • Enrollment Management: Streamline processes and improve student experiences.
  • IT Teams: Support and manage the digital infrastructure for student engagement.
  • Marketing: Promote events and initiatives effectively to the student body.


Ready Education offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of different institutions. Contact us for a customized quote that fits your institution's requirements.


Ready Education supports various teams within educational institutions, including:

  • Academic Affairs: Facilitating academic success and student support.
  • Student Affairs: Enhancing student life and engagement.
  • Enrollment Management: Improving enrollment processes and student retention.
  • IT Teams: Ensuring seamless digital experiences and infrastructure.
  • Marketing: Promoting campus events and initiatives effectively.

Explore how Ready Education can transform your campus experience and drive student success. Request a demo today!