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SegmedHigh quality data for medical research, starting with AI Radiology.

We provide high quality data for AI radiology. We're building the biggest database of labeled medical data in the world, starting with radiology images. We sell to medical companies who are training and validating AI algorithms.

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More About Segmed

Segmed | Real-World Data for Health Innovation


Segmed provides at-scale access to novel clinical data globally, offering millions of diagnostic-grade medical images to accelerate innovation and mature the evidence needs of the life sciences and technology industry.

Key Features

  • Access to a vast network of Real-World Data (RWD)
  • Millions of diagnostic-grade medical images
  • Comprehensive longitudinal disease data
  • Regulatory-grade multimodal datasets
  • High-quality database for AI training and FDA/CE regulatory data
  • Data management, de-identification, extraction, and exploration

Use Cases

  • Rapid discovery and investigational capability of imaging data
  • Development of early disease detection and prediction models
  • Improved patient recruitment
  • Reduced operating burden to access therapeutic data ecosystem
  • Life Sciences R&D
  • Medical Devices AI R&D
  • Healthcare Providers


Segmed offers tailored pricing solutions based on the specific needs of pharmaceutical, medical devices, and technology industries. Contact us to discuss a customized plan that fits your requirements.


Segmed collaborates with over 2,000 healthcare partner sites, providing access to more than 100,000,000 imaging studies with diverse patient coverage. Our data has contributed to over 25 cutting-edge products that have received FDA clearance, sourced from all 50 states in the USA and 5 continents globally. Our team is dedicated to creating more equitable healthcare outcomes by leveraging the power of data.